So I have always been pretty big on structure and routine (being a Capricorn and typical A-type personality) and having worked from home for the last 8 years I mostly had it waxed, but even the COVID 19 announcement by our Pres threw me into a bit of a turmoil on Sunday night, and left me staring at the wall for about 30 minutes while I attempted to process what I had just heard.
Monday and Tuesday were weird days. I couldn’t really focus – Monday was one of the most unproductive days I had ever experienced in my life. Tuesday I felt like I was floating in a bubble. I kept wanting to sleep. This is normal – life is upside down right now.
Wednesday got a bit more focussed with pressure from clients and tasks that needed to be completed, and I actually managed to implement some rules and regs for myself and am feeling very productive and ready for my 5 pm glass of vino!
If you are, like me, working from home – make sure to exercise. NO, do not go to the gym for heavens sakes people that defeats the objective of isolation – but do get creative. Haul out those fitness DVDs – google a 30 minute home workout, or make up your own. You should ideally raise your heart rate and break a sweat, so jumping jacks, running on the spot etc – followed by some sit-ups, push-ups etc – whatever floats your boat.
I walk every morning for 30 minutes – I like to go early because there are not many people out at that time, and also because it’s fresh and things smell good, plus then it’s done for the day too and I don’t have to worry that by the time work is finished and I want a glass of wine as by then my will power is out of the window.
Wash your hands!
Create a routine you can stick too
Exercise. Shower. Get dressed. Breakfast. Then head to the ‘office’ – be it the dining room table or kitchen counter. Have coffee breaks and leg stretch periods. If your partner is also working from home, agree on break times, as distracting one another is a huge reality. Agree to meet for coffee and a chat at 10 am – and stick to it!
The idea of sitting around in one’s pyjamas or working in bed may seem like great ideas at first, but it can get somewhat depressing and not very productive. It also leads to falling asleep, LOL.
I don’t exactly get into my power suit to sit at the dining room table, but I do shower, wash my face and get into my jeans and T-shirt. I take breaks every hour, have a glass of water or a snack and walk around the lounge – keeping an eye on my step counter, the target is 7500 steps daily – and I make sure I achieve it daily – even if I am striding up and down the driveway at 3 pm.
I have always had lists, but now they are all organised by client, priority, with a completion date. My book is finally neat and highlighted and ticking those babies off is pretty satisfying.
They are not all worklists may I add – spring cleaning is on the list, as is completing the 4 online Udemy courses that I purchased in January and haven’t started yet
Unwind and relax
I usually have a terrible habit of working ridiculous hours, as I am often at events during the day or early evening – and to get everything completed I then have to work late.
Working from home has saved me so much time, at 5 pm I can actually close up shop and cook, or watch Netflix – it’s pretty damn awesome. This is why exercise is so important – I fear my waistline may suffer!
Look into home delivery offerings
UCOOK is on it – as are UberEats and Mr Delivery. I have heard that online shopping for groceries is slightly more tricky and takes much longer than usual – but Pick n Pay and One Cart are able to bring you groceries at home.
Local wine and spirit supplier, Copper Wine and Craft Spirits will bring to your home – hell, we are going to need this one in the coming days!