Following on from the success of his previous one-man show, “Diluted People”, and his Comedy Central Africa-aired show, “Colour Mine”, Ndumiso ‘The Roosta’ Lindi is bringing us another exciting comedic offering this July. His deep voice, soul-warming smile, booming laughter, original content and seamless delivery will be bringing the belly-laughs with his new comedy show, “Boys Don’t Cry in July”, to audiences at the Auto & General Theatre on the Square in Sandton from the 23rd to 27th of July.
Ndumiso opens up to audiences with insights into his personal story, from his childhood to his family, to the expectations of not showing your emotions as a man, but most importantly, the relationship between a son and father and the pressures of living up to your father’s expectations. Using humour to deal with personal pain-points, Ndumiso proves in true South-African-humour-style that tragedy and time equal to comedy.
Expect infectious feel-good humour from this highly-talented comedian whose accessible and well-constructed narrative has endeared him to audiences of all races across the country. “I learnt early on that I had to understand my audience in order to appeal to them,” says Lindi.
Dates: 23 – 27 July 2019
Venue: Auto & General Theatre on the Square in Sandton
Ticket Price: R150 pp
The show starts at 20h15 and carries a PG-14 age restriction.